Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Just Love.

Everyone who really knows me, loves me and their opinions on matters of my life are valued because they are honest and caring, even when that honesty may be harsh. But the opinions of those who do not know me, don't matter...those people are funny to think I care what they have to say about me in the first place. Thank you to my family and friends who taught me this valuable lesson in life.
Growing up means realizing what really matters.....100% genuine love..God's love....surrounding yourself with people who give that kind of love, and doing what you can to show that love to others...showing others that love is stronger then harsh judgment and hurtful words by not allowing those things to affect you negatively. By showing grace and love to those who are hateful it really could help to show people that love and compassion still exist in a world like ours. Show people that they are not in control of your life...God is. And when God is in control, his light shines through for others to see.
Those who truly love you will encourage you to live your life for Christ. They will encourage you to never give up on what you feel the Lord is leading you towards.

Lord, today I ask that you help me to show your love, real love, to those around me. Even those who hurt me. Even those who do not deserve it. Because you and I both know I definitely don't deserve it either.

Yours Truly,

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