Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love, and be loved in return...

It sounds so simple. Like all you have to do is care and people will care right back. But this isn't the case. This world is cold, this world is not my home. And the hardest thing for me to understand is people who don't care for anyone but themselves. I couldn't ever truly hate anyone because hatred only makes me feel guilt and guilt makes me feel sad. I had my days when all I thought about was myself and believe me, those were the most miserable days of my life. All I thought about was what I wanted or what I didn't have. I learned that the only way to start feeling better about myself was to start living life with a passion for things that I love and people that I care about who are willing to take the time to care about me as well. I am an open book, ask me anything, tell me anything. And even though I slip up and I'm still human and I still have times when I don't act as I should, I want to do my best to show people the love that God has shown me. If God can forgive me and I can forgive myself then why should I not show that same forgiveness to others? Right now life is not very easy for me, it's a constant struggle. But I can tell you now that even though things are hard I never feel alone anymore like I used to. I close my eyes and my heavenly father hold me close, he gives me peace, gives me mercy and lets me know that I am loved simply because I am His. This is why the world has not made me cold, and this is why when things are bad and when things are good I know what I am worth and what each person on this earth is worth. So even though I may get shoved around or hurt I know that hate does not bring anything good and that eventually, in the end, love will win. And I'm talking true love, God's love. I don't think that anyone in this world can truly love other people if they have not felt the power of God's love first. I never understood what it met to forgive and to love until I felt the love of my creator. I used to hate myself, I used to hate my family sometimes, I used to hate others who had done me wrong, but I've learned there's just no point to hatred, love or let it go....

yours truly,

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