Wednesday, July 11, 2012


my last post may have been a little harsh and a little impulsive. But hey, that's just how I can be from time to time. Maybe you really do feel the same. How am I to know? I don't feel any different and I still have so much trust. People are so much more than what they give themselves credit for, you just have to find the people who won't ever let you forget that, the ones who will remind you that you can be better today than you were yesterday, but that it's okay to make mistakes because you have the strength, and the ability, to pick yourself back up. So basically, what I'm saying is that I could be the one, but only time will tell. For now I am grateful for what I have been given and I will do my best to never ask for more than you can give.

On a lighter note, I'm glad that my necklace got broken the other day. Even though I could have fixed it I decided that it'd be better if I found something new. I realized that I've been holding onto things that have hurt me in my past and I need to just let those things go. That necklace was with me through a lot of heartache and I don't need to carry all that around with me anymore.

The Phoenix symbolizes long life, rebirth, and especially resurrection or reconstruction after destruction by fire.

My life was burned to the ground and I've been rebuilding it. Hopefully this can be a reminder of the new life that I have that begins with the rising of the sun, the dawning of a new day, each and every morning.

Yours Truly,

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