Saturday, February 4, 2012

In my mind...

...its like being in a cage..and only screaming in your head, just imagining yourself screaming, and not caring. But you don't scream, because imagining it is good enough and you'd rather not waste your energy. You keep moving forward because that's just what you do...That's what I have to tell myself...At least I taught myself to be productive. But I hate feeling on edge, anxious, unsure. I feel like a prisoner. My thoughts go a million miles an hour and my conscious mind just can't keep up. This always leaves me feeling dizzy, hazy, and not quite sure how to feel, really. So I tell myself...You pick yourself back up. You can do whatever you want. Sort it all out. This is your life. Don't waste it...And that's what I do. I build the cages that I have to break out of. That's the saddest part of it all. I'm learning how to not hold myself back...but the world moves so fast. I wish that it would slow down just for me.

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