Monday, January 23, 2012


but I find it funny that I can find a song to fit just about any little piece of my life...well almost...and if I can't find a song from all the one's that are already out there, I can just make a new one. I also find it interesting when people put limitations on themselves and what they think is possible, and the way they think things "should" be. Things are exactly they way you choose to make them. You create the life you want with the things that have been given to you to build it with. But I am not limited to anyone's set of standards in life but my own. And honestly I think anything is possible so I will not only imagine who I want to be, I will be that girl..that woman..the one that doesn't do things just because "that's the way it's done", the one who takes everything she's given and makes the best of it. I pray to be more like my heavenly father. I pray that my desire to be more like him never fades, and Lord, please continue to help me to be a little bit stronger each day, and thank you, for nothing letting me feel completely alone this paste year. Thank you for never leaving my side.

Yours Truly,

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