Wednesday, April 30, 2014

"And I felt it, you're not fading"

 Dear world,
Welcome to a new chapter in my life. So many things have changed all at once. It has been difficult at times to accept all the grace that God has given me recently. At many points in my life I've been one to believe that I do not deserve love or happiness. I find myself punishing myself by putting myself in a box of self pity, leaving everyone who loves me on the outside wishing that I would just come out. God gave me so many people who have willingly sat right outside that box and have waited for me to realize that what I was doing to myself was absolutely stupid and a waste of my time. Some people have yelled at me to come out of that mindset, others have tried to pull me out. But here is what I have found;
Only God can make me free. He has given me everything, and everyone, that I need to help me stay close to him, to help heal me from a past that has left me with so many scars. Now the rest is up to me. I have to accept the gifts that God has given me because I know that because of Jesus, I AM WORTH IT. I am a daughter of the creator of all things. I have a purpose to love and be loved, to serve others and do my best to serve God by striving after a Christ-like attitude towards life, towards others. I was made in the image of God, made to be a reflection of everything that he is. I can't do that by keeping people at a distance, afraid to be hurt, I can't do that by putting up walls. I want people to see my heart because I know if they do they will see a life changed by the grace of God.
Here's to freedom. To the acceptance of God's amazing, unending grace for my once lost soul.
Yours Truly,

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