Sunday, April 27, 2014

And the award for the best liar of all time....

goes to the enemy that tries to grab at my feet every day in an attempt to pull me to the ground. The one that whispers lies that make no sense that I fight to remove from my mind. I feel like a little girl who is running away from something chasing me on a dark night. I run home to my Father and he holds me, keeps me safe. Today I realized that the lies sometimes keep me from running to my heavenly Father for comfort, for safety...for truth. I have listened to lies for far to long. I have put myself in a dark room in a corner, paralyzed by my fears instead of running to a loving, forgiving God who can remind me of who I am through him. I trust in my Father, and sometimes I still don't go to him because of my shame. But behind that shame is a strong woman who knows that God is trustworthy and that if I cannot trust in myself that I can trust in Him...and when I'm not sure who else to trust in this world I can turn to God and trust the path that he has put me on. I can be stubborn at times but when it is all said and done I find myself in the arms of my God, my savor, my saving grace, my best friend before anyone else. He has always been there, he never left me and never will leave me.

On top of always being there and holding me through everything, God has provided for me in ways that I only ever dreamed of. A month ago today, God gave me my life long best friend here on earth, my ministry partner, the love of my life. I have been blessed with a man who loves God with his entire heart and has such a huge passion for caring for others. He brings out the very best in me, we work through conflicts, we meet half way, we talk so openly with one another....Jesus is my first love and this man is my second. There is no one else here on earth that I will ever love more. And people may call us crazy because we've committed to one another so quickly, but I don't want to be with anyone else, and neither does he. We want people to see God's work in us, how He has healed us from our pasts and allowed us to love again. And obviously we have a lot to learn and a long road ahead of us as far as getting past personal struggles, but now neither of us has to do that on our own. We sit and talk for hours sharing our stories, sharing what God has been teaching us as individuals.

We'll talk more later.

Yours Truly,

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