Thursday, October 4, 2012


I realized recently, through lots of experiences since December, that I shouldn't ever feel bad about who God has made me to be. No regrets. No guilt. No apologies for people who tell me differently. And definitely no more apologizing for my existence. I've done a lot through Christ and I know he has amazing things planned for my life. Some days I may struggle but at the end of the day Jesus and I come out on top and there is nothing that I've done that I could have done on my own without him.

Some days when life gets hard I have to think back to all the times that Jesus has been by my side, and all of my life's successes that would never have happened with his grace. If by the end of the day I am still alive, I know that God plans to continue to use me to show love and compassion to others, and also to have more compassion for myself.

If you are having a hard time in life right are my words of advice:
Don't give up on who you want to be, don't let anyone tell you who you are, let God tell you who you are. You may mess up in this world over and over again but the grace of God covers it all. Love yourself, love what is important to you...but most of all LIVE.

By the song that I accidently stubbled upon:

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