Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I have...

lived through a lot of things...
But me...crying because I thought someone was making fun of my hair...
Me...actually caring that others would make fun of me.
And me...reminding myself to not be such a baby and embarrass myself even more.

Misunderstandings...these little things..embarrassing, but life goes on...and it could have been worse.

Reminds me of a memory from when I was much younger. I was supposed to sing a solo but I didn't feel like I knew the song as well as I should. Needless to say..I ended up forgetting the words exactly when the song was supposed to start and felt so embarrassed that I ran out of there so I could cry without anyone seeing me.

Life is full of these little moments..if my life were a tv show...these memories would probably be in it. And let's face it. I know I'm not the only one.

So..a reminder to anyone reading this:  If you love who you are, live it up. Be who you are. You only get to be yourself, so take advantage of that. Don't get embarrassed over the little things. Remember how strong you are. And if you do just happen to end up running out of a situation in tears, it's okay. I promise you'll look back and be able to laugh. You are wonderful because you are God's :)
Don't forget it.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for another day.

Yours Truly,
Charissa A. Wallace

Thursday, October 4, 2012


I fall asleep to the sunrise
My mind won't let me sleep at night
The norm is something I can't comprehend
All these questions just runnin through my head

And the answers
Few and far between

I wish I knew for sure
I wish I didn't have to wonder
When will the lightning strike
Cause I just hear the thunder
and my love
Is not the kind that fades, too easily
don't expect it just to go away
You already know what I wanna say

I fall asleep with you on my mind
I wake up to you and the sunrise
How i got so lucky i can't comprehend
Questions like these still run through my head

And the answers
I'll know, someday, I won't forget
I'll just know

Don't make me say it
You already know
Words are meaningless here
the actions show
Everything you need to know
Everything you've known all along
My love
Between the lines of your song

Because at the end of the day
Your choice never changes
You love me for all I am
For all of time
In every way

So...this is just a rough draft of a poem that I have been working on over time.

Your Truly,
Charissa A. Wallace


I realized recently, through lots of experiences since December, that I shouldn't ever feel bad about who God has made me to be. No regrets. No guilt. No apologies for people who tell me differently. And definitely no more apologizing for my existence. I've done a lot through Christ and I know he has amazing things planned for my life. Some days I may struggle but at the end of the day Jesus and I come out on top and there is nothing that I've done that I could have done on my own without him.

Some days when life gets hard I have to think back to all the times that Jesus has been by my side, and all of my life's successes that would never have happened with his grace. If by the end of the day I am still alive, I know that God plans to continue to use me to show love and compassion to others, and also to have more compassion for myself.

If you are having a hard time in life right now...here are my words of advice:
Don't give up on who you want to be, don't let anyone tell you who you are, let God tell you who you are. You may mess up in this world over and over again but the grace of God covers it all. Love yourself, love what is important to you...but most of all LIVE.

By the way..cool song that I accidently stubbled upon: