Sunday, June 24, 2012


I must really question things...sometimes..I just have no idea what to with myself. It is times like these that I will be still and know that the world will continue to spin and that my best option is to just continue to breath and take things as they come to me...I find myself stuck in the middle a lot. And never really where I want to be. I am tired of being along for the ride, I want to be the author of my own life, instead of letting others control my story for me. And it is nights like these..when I'm wide awake while this town sleeps..that I realize just how lost I really am, and that nothing will save me but faith. Faith in the light that leads me to do what I feel is right. Faith that the sun will rise tomorrow to bring me a new day, a new beginning. Faith that all is not lost and that things do have meaning. Because when all is said and done and the options cannot be weighed anymore, and when I don't know where to go from here, I can listen to love, my savior, my God, my light, and I will find my answer in He who gave me everything I've ever needed.

Thank you Lord, for the stars in the sky and this light in my eyes

yours truly,

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