Friday, June 7, 2013

Finally, got my computer back

after, what seems like quite awhile. As always, my life continues to change. I continue to grow, learn new things, and form new opinions. I feel that I have been doing well on showing compassion and honesty to those around me. At times I do fail. Maybe because I ignore my instincts, but mostly it's because I am human, and I have the tendency of being a people pleaser. Even though this habit is fading due to my intense effort to kick it, it still happens when I care more for someone while they care less for me. The lesson here is, don't let anyone change you. If you ask for God's guidance and ask that he put the right desires in your heart(let the holy spirit guide you), and you listen to those callings in life, you will be surprised at how far you can go. For someone like me, I came from little, the lower class as you might call it, but I know I was made for a great purpose. I will never stop progressing because I don't want to stop. My future is in God's hands. It's one day at a time, and that means you have to do all you can do in the moment if you ever want it to add up to something great. I am by no means perfect, but I will do my best to try and be a little bit better today then I was yesterday, a little bit stronger, a little more self aware, be a better listener, a better communicator, be better at loving and taking care of others, and the list goes on and on and that's why some changes can be such a slow process. My advice to anyone who be to never give up. Any progress at all is better then nothing, every step forward means your that much closer to your goals. Change is hard for everyone. I learned to thrive off change, to ensure the excitement of new things that it has to offer for me, but it took me so long to get to this point. NEVER GIVE UP!

Dear World,

You are beautiful
Believe it
Live it
Love it

Yours Truly,